PI: Dr Orly Razgour

NERC Independent Research Fellow

Senior Lecturer in Ecology


University of Exeter

E-mail: Orly.Razgour@gmail.com

Twitter: @OrlyRazgour

University webpage

About me

I am a molecular ecologist and conservation biologist with research interests in global change biology. My major research aims are to examine evolutionary and ecological responses to global change, and to understand how environmental heterogeneity at different spatial and temporal scales affects geographical distribution, genetic composition and ecological interactions. I carry out multidisciplinary research, combining novel genetic and genomic tools with ecological research and spatial, ecological and mathematical modelling. 

My research programme encompasses four main areas of investigation:

1) Genomic approaches to studying species responses to climate change: investigating genetic adaptations and their population level consequences.

2) Landscape genetics and the effect of environmental heterogeneity of range shifts.

3) Phylogeography and evolutionary history.

4) Ecological modelling of distribution, dispersal and biotic interactions.


Current and previous positions

2019-ongoing – NERC Independent Research Fellow / Senior Lecturer in Ecology, University of Exeter

2019-ongoing – Associate Editor Diversity and Distributions

2018-ongoing – Associate Editor Ecology and Evolution

2016-2019 – NERC Independent Research Fellow / Lecturer in Ecology, University of Southampton

2015-ongoing – Research collaborator, CIBIO/InBio, University of Porto, Portugal

2015-2016 – NERC Independent Research Fellow, University of Bristol

2015-ongoing – Review Editor in Conservation, Frontier in Ecology and Evolution

2014-ongoing – Research Director and board member, Bats without Borders

2013-2015 – Research Fellow, University of Stirling

2013 – GIS Specialist, The Bat Conservation Trust

2013 – Contracted Scientific Consultant, woodland bats modelling, Natural Resources Wales

2012 – Contracted Scientific Consultant, Joint Nature Conservation Consortium (JNCC)


Academic history

2012 –  PhD, University of Bristol, with Faculty of Science Commendation. ‘From genes to landscapes: Conservation Biology of the grey long-eared bat, Plecotus austriacus, across spatial and temporal scales’. (Supervisor: Prof Gareth Jones)

2008 –  MSc in Ecology, Cum Laude, Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research. ‘Use of natural bodies of water by desert-dwelling insectivorous bats’. (Supervisors: Prof David Saltz, Prof Carmi Korine)

2006 –  BSc Hons in Biodiversity Conservation and Management, 1st class Distinction, DICE, University of Kent.


Academic awards

2014 – John Marsden Medal for best UK doctoral thesis in Biology, The Linnean Society of London

2013 – Faculty of Science Commendation for outstanding PhD thesis, University of Bristol

2012 – Vincent Weir Scientific Award for contribution to bat conservation research

2012 – Student talk prize Population Genetics Group Meeting, University of Glasgow

2011 – Student talk prize Ecological Genetics Group Meeting, London

2008 – Merav Ziv Award for MSc research project, Ben-Gurion University

2007 – Frederick Siegmund Prize for excellence in desert studies, Ben-Gurion University

2004-2006 – Faculty and Rotary Prizes for outstanding academic achievements, University of Kent


Research grants

2019-2022 – EU COST Action Network – ‘Climate change and bats: from science to conservation (CLIMBATS)’, role: leading a Working Group and Management Committee member (€500,000).

2019-2020 – NERC Biomolecular Analysis Facility pilot project grant– ‘Identifying the genomic basis of adaptations to arid environments in bats’, role: PI (£5,642).

2018-2022 – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), Portugal, ‘BatPine – Promoting the resilience of ecosystem services to climate change: a case study with pine plantations, pine processionary moth and bats’, role: co-I (€230,000).

2018-2022 – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), Portugal, ‘ConBiomics: the missing approach for the Conservation of freshwater Bivalves’, role: collaborator.

2017-2021 – SPITFIRE NERC DTP PhD Studentship, ‘How will greening the desert affect bats and the ecosystem services they provide?’ , role: PI (£75,000).

2015-2020 – NERC Independent Research Fellowship, ‘Developing an integrated framework for investigating biodiversity responses to global environmental change’, role: PI (£668,885).

2017-2019 – Biodiversity Information for Development EU & GBIF Grant, ‘Mobilising Bat Occurrence Data in Zambia’, role: Co-I (€39,954).

2015-2017 – Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action Individual Fellowship (declined the award).

2014-2016 – Rufford Small Grant Fund, ‘Using genetic tools to assess the conservation status of cave-dwelling bats’, PI Rachael Cooper-Bohannon, role: Co-I (£12,000).

2014-2015 – British Ecological Society Research Grant, ‘Up in the air: researching ecological connectivity in sky island bats of the Ethiopian Highlands’, role: PI (£5,000).

2014 – SAGES Early Career Researcher Exchanges Grant (£2,780).

2013-2015 – University of Stirling Impact Fellowship, ‘Fight or flight: The spatial genomics of bat species response to climate change’, role: PI (£72,000).

2012 – Bat Conservation Trust, Funding to write a conservation management plan.

2011 – NERC Biomolecular Analysis Facility Project Grant, ‘Conservation genetics of the grey long-eared bat (Plecotus austriacus) across spatial and temporal scales’, PI Gareth Jones (£20,604).

2010 – Vincent Weir, ‘Molecular diet analysis of cryptic bat species’, role: PI.



Razgour O, Forester B, Taggart J, Bekaert M, Juste J, Ibanez C, Puechmaille SJ, Novella-Fernandez R, Alberdi A, Manel S. (2019) Considering adaptive genetic variation in climate change vulnerability assessment reduces species range loss projections. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA (PNAS)PDF

Centeno-Cuadros A, Razgour O, García-Mudarra JL, Mingo-Casas P, Sandonís V, Redondo A, Ibáñez C, de Paz O, Martinez-Alós S, Pérez Suarez G, Echevarría JE, Just J. (2019) Hybridization in cryptic bats, comparative phylogeography and consequences for rabies virus transmission. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research.

Razgour OTaggart JBManel S, Juste J, Ibáñez C, Rebelo H, Alberdi A, Jones G, Park K (2018) An integrated framework to identify wildlife populations under threat from climate changeMolecular Ecology Resources 18: 18-31PDF

[From the cover article; News & Views perspective – Hoban S (2018) Molecular Ecology Resources 18: 14-17].

Razgour O, Persey M, Shamir U, Korine C (2018) The role of climate, water and biotic interactions in shaping biodiversity patterns in arid environments across spatial scales. Diversity and Distributions (In Press). PDF

Vasconcelos RRazgour O, Tarroso P, Fasola M, Carranza S, Alves PC (2018) Combining molecular and landscape tools for targeting evolutionary processes in reserve design: an approach for islands. PLoS ONE 13(7): e0200830. PDF

Razgour O, Rebelo H, Di Febbraro M, Russo D (2016) Painting maps with bats: species distribution modelling in bat research and conservation. Hystrix PDF

Jones M, Bertola LD, Razgour O (2016) Predicting the effect of interspecific competition on habitat suitability for the endangered African wild dog under future climate and land cover changes. Hystrix  PDF

Razgour O, Salicini I, Ibáñez C, Randi E, Juste J (2015) Unravelling the evolutionary history and future prospects of endemic species restricted to former glacial refugia. Molecular Ecology 24: 5267-5283. PDF

Alberdi A, Gilbert MTP, Razgour O, Aizpurua O, Aihartza J, Garin I (2015) Contrasting population-level responses to Pleistocene climatic oscillations in an alpine bat revealed by complete mitochondrial genomes and evolutionary history inference. Journal of Biogeography 42: 1689–1700. PDF

Razgour O (2015) Beyond species distribution modelling: a landscape genetics approach to investigating range shifts under future climate change. Ecological Informatics 30: 250-256. PDF

Razgour O, Rebelo H, Puechmaille SJ, Juste J, Ibáñez C, Kiefer A, Burke T, Dawson DA, Jones G (2014) Scale-dependent effects of landscape variables on gene flow and population structure in bats. Diversity and Distributions 20: 1173–1185. PDF

Hope PR, Bohmann K, Gilbert MTP, Zepeda L, Razgour O, Jones G (2014) Second generation sequencing and morphological faecal analysis reveals unexpected foraging behaviour by Natterer’s bat (Myotis nattereri) in winter. Frontiers in Zoology 11: 39. PDF

Razgour O, Juste J, Ibáñez C, Kiefer A, Rebelo H, Puechmaille SJ, Arlettaz R, Burke T, Dawson DA, Beaumont M, Jones G (2013) The shaping of genetic variation in edge-of-range populations under past and future climate change. Ecology Letters 16: 1258–1266. PDF

Razgour O, Whitby D, Dahlberg E, Barlow K, Hanmer J, Haysom K, McFarlane H, Wicks L, Williams C, Jones G (2013) Conserving grey long-eared bats (Plecotus austriacus) in our landscape: a conservation management plan. www.bats.org.ukPDF

Razgour O (2013) Grey long-eared bat in Jersey. Societe Jersiaise Annual Bulletin 31: 42–43. 

Razgour O, Clare EL, Zeale MRK, Hanmer J, Bærholm Schnell I, Rasmussen M, Gilbert MTP, Jones G (2011) High-throughput sequencing offers insight into mechanisms of resource partitioning in cryptic bat species. Ecology and Evolution 1: 556–570. PDF

Razgour O, Hanmer J, Jones G (2011) Using multi-scale modelling to predict habitat suitability for species of conservation concern: The grey long-eared bat as a case study. Biological Conservation 144: 2922–2930. PDF

Razgour O, Korine C, Saltz D (2011) Does interspecific competition drive patterns of habitat use in desert bat communities? Oecologia 167: 493–502. PDF

Razgour O, Korine C, Saltz D (2010) Pond characteristics as determinants of species diversity and community composition in desert bats. Animal Conservation 13: 505–513. PDF



Selected scientific conference presentations

  • Razgour O, Forester B, Taggart J, Bekaert M, Juste J, Ibáñez C, Puechmaille S, Novella-Fernandez R, Alberdi A, Manel S. Integrating landscape genomics and ecological niche modelling to inform bat conservation under global change. International Association for Landscape Ecology Meeting, Fort Collins, US, April 2019 (invited symposium speaker)
  • Razgour O, Forester B, Taggart J, Bekaert M, Juste J, Ibáñez C, Puechmaille S, Novella-Fernandez R, Alberdi A, Manel S. The importance of considering adaptive genetic variation in climate change projections. 9th International Biogeography Society Meeting, Malaga, Spain, January 2019 (oral presentation).
  • Razgour O, Taggart J, Bekaert M, Juste J, Ibáñez C, Puechmaille S, Rebelo H, Alberdi A, Manel S. Integrating genomic and biogeographical approaches to model barriers to range shifts under climate change. Climate Change Biogeography, International Biogeography Society, Evora, Portugal, March 2018 (oral presentation)
  • Razgour O, Taggart J, Bekaert M, Juste J, Ibáñez C, Puechmaille S, Alberdi A, Manel S. Using landscape genetics to understand bat responses to climate change. European Bat Research Symposium, Donostia, Basque Country, Aug. 2017 (oral presentation)
  • Razgour O, Taggart J, Manel S, Juste J, Ibáñez C, Rebelo H, Alberdi A, Jones G, Park KJ. Using genomic approaches to inform bat conservation under global change. ConGenomics Conference, CIBIO/InBio, Portugal, May 2016 (oral presentation) – Talk Prize
  • Razgour O, Manel S, Taggart J, Jones G, Juste J, Ibáñez C, Rebelo H, Alberdi A, MacKenzie S, Park KJ. Genomic approaches to studying bat responses to global change. 49th Population Genetics Group Meeting, Edinburgh, UK, Dec 2015 (oral presentation)
  • Razgour O. Genetic approaches to studying bat responses to global change. National Bat Conference, Warwick, UK, Sep 2015 – Invited Speaker
  • Razgour O, Alberdi A, Salicini I, Ibáñez C, Randi E, Juste J. Insights from the past into biodiversity responses to future climate change using bats as a model. International Biogeography Society Conference, Bayreuth, Germany, Jan 2015 (oral presentation)
  • Razgour O. Genetic approaches to studying species responses to climate change. 1st International Workshop on Cellular and Molecular Biology, Pernambuco, Brazil, Nov 2014 – Invited Speaker
  • Razgour O, Kleczkowski A. Modelling range shifts under future climate change in bats. 2nd Spatial Ecology and Conservation Conference, Birmingham, UK, July 2014 (oral presentation)
  • Razgour O, Juste J, Ibáñez C, Rebelo H, Puechmaille SJ, Jones G. The shaping of genetic variation in the Mediterranean hotspot under past and future climate change. EcoGenes Conference: Adapting to Global Change in the Mediterranean Hotspot, Seville, Sep 2013 (poster)
  • Razgour O, Juste J, Ibáñez C, Kiefer A, Rebelo H, Puechmaille SJ, Arlettaz R, Burke T, Dawson DA, Beaumont M, Jones G. The shaping of genetic variation in edge populations under past and future climate change: the grey long-eared bat as a case study. 46th Population Genetics Group Meeting, Glasgow, UK, Dec 2012 (oral presentation) – Student Talk Prize
  • Razgour O, Dawson DA, Burke T, Rebelo H, Juste J, Ibáñez C, Kiefer A, Jones G. Living on the edge: conservation genetics of the grey long-eared bat across spatial scales. 3rd European Congress of Conservation Biology, Glasgow, UK, Aug 2012 (poster)
  • Razgour O, Dawson DA, Burke T, Rebelo H, Juste J, Ibáñez C, Kiefer A, Jones G. Living on the edge: conservation genetics of the grey long-eared bat across spatial scales. 56th Ecological Genetics Group Meeting, Edinburgh, UK, April 2012 (oral presentation)
  • Razgour O, Clare EL, Zeale MRK, Bærholm Schnell I, Rasmussen M, Gilbert MTP, Jones G. Next generation sequencing deciphers mechanisms of coexistence in cryptic bat species. 12th European Ecological Federation Congress, Avila, Spain, Sep 2011 (poster)
  • Razgour O, Clare EL, Zeale MRK, Bærholm Schnell I, Rasmussen M, Gilbert MTP, Jones G. Next generation sequencing deciphers mechanisms of coexistence in cryptic bat species. 55th Ecological Genetics Group Meeting, London, UK, April 2011(oral presentation) – Student Talk Prize
  • Razgour O, Jones G. Linking habitat loss and bat decline: the conservation biology of the grey long-eared bat, 15th International Bat Research Conference, Prague, Czech, Aug 2010 (oral presentation)
  • Razgour O, Korine C, Saltz D. The importance of temporary ponds for the conservation of insectivorous bats in desert environments. 2nd International Conference on Drylands, Deserts and Desertification, Sede Boqer, Israel, Dec 2008 (poster) – Poster Prize award
  • Razgour O, Korine C, Saltz D. The importance of temporary ponds for the conservation of insectivorous bats in desert environments. 22nd International Congress for Conservation Biology, Tennessee, USA, July 2008 (oral presentation) 




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